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College Park, Maryland, United States
Elusive by choice.


Hazy Paths

Many paths led to a single place.
A place of dreams in all its grace.
The grace lay in the paths and not the destiny.
But destiny was what the heart craved, the paths lost to the ends.
The ends chose the travelers and the travelers the path.
The paths were all the same, just different on the map.
The maps hid the beauty, only to show directions.
Directions to a place that would end all their sorrow.
Sorrow was all they found at the place of their dreams.
Dreams shattered by achieving, dreams lost to realization.
Realization dawned late, the paths were now dark.
The dark place they were in was what their hearts sought.

“There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it.”*
But the greatest tragedy that befalls is to place the desires above all.

*Quote by George Bernard Shaw.


  1. you write pretty good...


  2. Thanks.. Finally you got time to read what I write Lobs.. Registered with indiblogger.. Thanks for that too.. Keep me posted.. :)

  3. you got to be active there, just visit, read, post some comments, and do not forget to leave links back to this blog. After a while people will visit based on the contents of your blog posts...

    btw, I have been following all you posts in this blog. I read a couple of them on internal blog too. If possible, move some posts from there to here..
